Das IFAJ Exposure-4-Development (E-4-D)-Programm ist zurück und bietet 12 IFAJ-Mitgliedsjournalisten die Möglichkeit, Vietnam und Thailand zu besuchen und aus erster Hand etwas über die Landwirtschaft zu erfahren.
Erfolgreiche Bewerber, die von einer Jury ausgewählt werden, erleben die Reise ihres Lebens, die vom 25. September bis zum 4. Oktober 2024 dauert.
Mitglieder von IFAJ-Landesverbänden können sich hier für einen Platz auf der Tour bewerben. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 31. Juli 2024.
Original-Information in englischer Sprache
The IFAJ Exposure-4-Development (E-4-D) program is back, offering an opportunity for 12 IFAJ member journalists to visit and learn first-hand about agriculture in Vietnam and Thailand.
Successful applicants, who will be chosen by a jury, will get to experience a trip of a lifetime, which runs from September 25 through October 4, 2024.
Members of IFAJ guilds in good standing may apply here for a seat on the tour. Application deadline is July 31, 2024.
“It’s exciting to see the Exposure-4-Development program back up and running, thanks to generous sponsorship by the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and CropLife International,” said Steve Werblow, IFAJ vice-president. “The opportunity to compare the diverse, dynamic agricultural industries in neighboring countries Vietnam and Thailand with different economic systems is especially fascinating.”
The program will include explorations of aquaculture and feed milling as well as the production and marketing of rice, fruit, vegetables and seeds, coffee, dairy and more. The group will also explore farmer education and technology transfer programs and visit universities and local markets.
Kosten: Was selbst bezahlt werden muss
Participating journalists will be required to pay for their own airfare to arrive in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and depart from Bangkok, Thailand. The fee for participating in the E-4-D tour will be €400. Additional costs of hotels, in-country transportation, transfer from Vietnam to Thailand, and meals will be covered by the sponsorships from U.S. Soybean Export Council and CropLife International.
Application deadline is July 31, 2024. https://quanglo.wufoo.com/forms/s1wkoa4y0jfhh7f/
Learn more about the E-4-D tour program https://www.ifaj.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/DRAFT-E4D-2024-Agenda-062824.pdf
Fotos: IFAJ